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Response to Government’s announcement to impose the junior doctors’ contract in England

SCTS supports the joint statement made by the Royal Colleges of Surgeons on 11 February 2016.  SCTS agrees that a contract should not be imposed on the junior doctors.  We are concerned that this dispute has done long-term damage to the junior doctor workforce contributing to low morale and raising significant concerns related to training and the relationship between junior doctors and their employers.

As a specialty association we recognise that junior doctors are already working at weekends to care for cardiothoracic surgical patients on a 24/7 basis.  We support the proposed planned review of junior doctors’ long-standing concerns and we would urge that there should be a de-politicisation of any contract negotiations.

Junior doctors are an essential part of the team that is responsible for the delivery of safe, high quality patient care in our specialty.  The imposition of a contract risks permanent damage to the future of our medical workforce and subsequently the care of our patients.

Mr T R Graham                                             Mr G Cooper

President                                                         President-Elect

SCTS Great Britain & Ireland                  SCTS Great Britain & Ireland


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